Sustainability issues aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Operating in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact).

The company recognizes the importance of supporting the global agreements of the United Nations and is committed to operating in line with international sustainability principles to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This framework guides the organization in its sustainability efforts.

Sustainability Issues Analysis

The Company assesses and prioritizes sustainability issues which stakeholders giving emphasize, considering together with risk factors throughout the supply chain, based on the Global Reporting Initiative framework, GRI Standard 2021. In 2023, the stakeholders and the Company focus on 23 sustainability issues, the aforementioned issues will be analyzed for organizational risks and opportunities linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are aligned with 15 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The sixth goal is the Company’s main mission of doing business to achieve the goal of the Clean Water and Sanitation, while the remaining goals are secondary missions that support the Company’s operations to achieve the goals of organization.

Dimension Number of Sustainability Issues Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Economic 6
Social 10
Environmental 7
Total 23 15
Economic Dimension (6 Sustainability Issues)

1. Good Performance

Disclosure : 201-1,207-1 to 207-4
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Policies and strategies in economic and sustainable development. Review policies and strategies in economic and sustainable development. Operationof tap water Concession business with only one customer. Government policy supports the use of tap water instead of groundwater.
Efficient economic, social and environmental management. Review of water supply targets. People’s demand for tap water is increasing.
Create confidence in business operations for stakeholders.

2. Good Corporate Governance

Disclosure : 2-9 to 2-30,205-1 to 205-3, 206-1, 406-1, 411-1
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Operation policy under the principles of good governance, Board duties and responsibilities, transparency, report, and Anti-corruption. Review the corporate governance policy The development of good corporate governance of listed companies has increased steadily, if the Company adjusts slowly, it may affect the Company’s future investment. Having good corporate governance principles, transparency, risks management covering economic, social and environmental aspects, which will affect investor confidence and promote sustainable investment in the future.
Conduct business ethically.
Transferring Knowledge of business ethics to employees at all levels
Disseminate knowledge of business ethics on the website
Report the results of corporate governance to the Risk Management and Corporate Governance Committee.

3.Managing Risk and Business Continuity

Disclosure : 201-2
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Risk management in economic, social and environmental aspects, incident prevention and suspension of emergencies to keep business running without interruption. Review of economic, social and environmental risk assessments. In the current situation, new risks are always arising, which are unpredictable risks that may affect the Company’s business operations. Risk management covers economic, social, and environmental dimensions, as well as effectively managing new risks. This results in reducing or maintaining business risks within acceptable thresholds for the company's operations.
Review the organization’s Emerging Risk
Organize the risk management training course.
Rehearsing an Emergency Plan.
Report risk management results to the Risk Management Officer and Risk Management and Corporate Governance Committee according to the specified cycle.

4. Supply Chain Management

Disclosure : 204-1,308-1 to 308-2, 414-1 to 414-2
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Management and risk analysis in the purchasing process, including assesses business partners for maximum efficiency. Procurement under fair agreements. If the company cannot efficiently manage the value chain of key partners, it will inevitably impact the business risk of the company's operations. If the company can efficiently manage the value chain of key partners, it will result in a reduction of business risks or maintaining acceptable levels for the company's operations.
Engaging with business partners in order to develop potential, including finding new business opportunities. Establish a project for procurement of products and services that are environmentally friendly.
Prepare a backup plan and intensify the delivery of products and find delivery channels that do not affect the production process, including finding new sources of replacement products, if there is an event that the same business partner is unable to deliver the products.

5. Products and Services Responsibility

Disclosure : 416-1 to 416-2, 417-1 to 417-3
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Responsibility for producing quality products and services is acceptable to customers, customer relationship management and impact assessment of the company’s products and services. Production and distribution of tap water to customers according to quality standards that are sufficient and consistent. Today’s technological developments, including climate change, have resulted in changing consumer behavior and making business practices obsolete. Quality products and services according to international standards, as well as satisfaction in using products and services of customers resulting to the organization is recognized and has an advantage over its competitors.
Provide regular consultation and meeting for working with customers.
Provide training courses to develop skills for customers.
Supporting customer relations activities.

6. Innovation and Technology

Disclosure : 203-1, 404-2
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Apply innovation and technology to work processes and promote the organization’s innovation. Provide training to develop Kaizen skills both inside and outside the Company. Advances in innovation and technology have transformed the global society, causing the activities that have been traditionally practiced are obsolete, due to the high competition and uncertainty. Being a leader in innovations and technology that keep up with current situations, resulting to the stability of the business and the opportunity to expand new businesses in the future.
Transferring knowledge and exchange experiences among departments through the Kaizen Project and Exchange Program.
Improved the hybrid water supply process due to the combination of conventional and membrane water treatment systems.
Membrane technology is applied in tap water production, which is an advanced technology capable of filtration of viral and bacterial pathogens which are internationally recognized.
Social Dimension (10 Sustainability Issues)

1. Employee Stewardship and Development

Disclosure : 2-7 to 2-8, 201-3, 401-1 to 401-2, 404-1 to 404-3
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Personnel and abor relations Management, employee development and increasing he potential of employee. Regularly review the employee performance appraisal process. Intense competition of current business as well as changing customer demands has resulted in the employees’ knowledge and skills not developing to keep pace with the change. Continually developing knowledge and skills for employees to keep up with the changes will result in employees having the knowledge and skills to support rapid change both now and future.
Review of the compensation determination process.
Establish employee potential development plan.
Establish employees training plans at all levels.
Consider selecting internal personnel before recruiting external personnel.
Arrange for an election of the Welfare Committee.
Employees satisfaction survey.

2. Occupational Health and Safety

Disclosure : 403-1 to 403-10
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Take care of the employees’ health, safety and good working environment. Reviewing policies on safety, occupational health, and the working environment. The good health trends of employees who are not satisfactory, as well as safety in the work of employees and business partners may affect the confidence in operation of the Company. Raising the standard of safety and modern equipment in work, this will result in confidence in working together and become the Company’s safety standard.
Provide employees an annual check-up, adding a special health check for employees working at risk area and employees over 35 years.
Assess environmental actors that may affect the health and safety of employees, such as light, noise, dust, pollution, etc.
Regularly training and develop safety knowledge.
Regular rehearsal of emergency plans to prepare for critical situations.
Annual review of risks and emergencies in working processes.

3. Social and Community Stewardship

Disclosure : 413-1 to 413-2
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Participate with community activities include helping to solve social problems and improve the quality of life of the community, educating, income generation, including the conservation of natural resources and the environment with the community. Supporting scholarships for students in schools with a shortage in service areas. The Company’s business operations in various areas affecting nearby communities, this includes the increase stakeholders and social expectations towards the Company’s business that shows social and environmental responsibility. Using the Company’s knowledge and abilities to become a model community that can be self-reliant and have a better quality of life by creating the participation of all parties.
Transfer knowledge of composting from organic waste mixed with sludge to schools in business areas.
Transferring knowledge on water conservation to schools and communities.
Solving social problems in times of crisis.

4. Social Contributions and Donations

Disclosure : 413-1 to 413-2
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Supporting social and environmental stewardship activities and sharing during of crisis. Producing and supporting bottled water for stakeholders, utilizing it for social activities. If the company operates solely for profit without demonstrating responsibility and involvement in social care for the community in the area, it may negatively impact future community relationships and cooperation. If the company conducts its business in tandem with demonstrating responsibility and consistent involvement in social care for the community in the area, it will likely foster collaboration and receive support from the local society and community.
Support budgets for stakeholders in activities that are beneficial to society.
Support Buddhist activities and preserve Thai traditions.

5. Roles and Responsibilities of Human Rights Committees and Executives

Disclosure : 2-11, 2-22
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Supervising and Ensuring Respect for Human Rights Processes for Stakeholders. Reviewing policies on human rights and labor. Currently, the global trend towards respecting human rights is widely recognized and prioritized. If the company violates human rights of stakeholders, it will inevitably impact the confidence and reputation of the company's business operations. The company has gained trust and acceptance from stakeholders for conducting business fairly across all sectors, resulting in sustainable operations.
Set guidelines and procedures for respecting the human rights of stakeholders for the Board of Directors, executives and employees to adhere to.

6. Employment and Respect for Human Rights

Disclosure : 406-1, 407-1, 408-1,409-1
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Right to a good quality of life. Personal Data Protection Policy for Employees. Employees may file complaints against the company regarding human rights violations, which could impact the company's confidence and reputation in conducting business. The company has gained trust and acceptance from stakeholders that it will conduct its business fairly, resulting in sustainable business practices.
Rights to equality No child labor under the age of 15 is employed. Employees with good morale and motivation contribute to increased work efficiency.
Right to be receive by protection law. No forced labor employment.
Protection of rights and personal information. No illegal foreign workers.
Pregnant employees are not allowed to work that is hazardous to their health and body as required by law.
Supporting to prevent human rights violations in all hiring cases.

7. Human Rights Risk Assessment

Disclosure : 416-1 to 416-2, 417-1 to 417-3, 418-1
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Efficiently manage human rights risks for stakeholders. Establish guidelines or human rights risk assessment of stakeholders. If the company does not have effective and appropriate measures to assess human rights risks for stakeholders, it may lead to harm to the business operations of the company. The company has gained confidence and acceptance from stakeholders that it will conduct business fairly for all sectors. As a result, the business is sustainable.
Determine measures to reduce the human rights risks of stakeholders. Managing and addressing human rights risks for stakeholders results in reducing risks in the company's business operations or maintaining them within acceptable standards.

8. Managing Human Rights Complaints and Remedies

Disclosure : 406-1,411-1,418-1
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Manage Human rights complaints and remedies for stakeholders. Determine channels and processes for receiving whistle blowing and human rights complaints accessible to all employees and stakeholders. If the company does not have effective and appropriate measures to manage and address complaints and provide remedies in the field of human rights for stakeholders, it can adversely impact the company's credibility and reputation in conducting its business. The company has gained confidence and acceptance from stakeholders that it will conduct business fairly for all sectors. As a result, the business is sustainable.
Establish a mechanism to protect whistleblowers and complainants. To reduce conflicts between the company and stakeholders.
Keep whistleblowing information confidential.
Determine the penalties if the complainant is guilty of human rights violations or does not comply with human rights regulations or relevant laws.

9. Cooperation with Human Rights Business Partners/Suppliers

Disclosure : 414-1 to 414-2
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Fair business practices. Personal Data Protection Policy for business partners/suppliers. If the company violates human rights with business partners/suppliers, it may receive complaints from them, impacting collaboration and trust in the company's business operations. The company has received cooperation and trust in conducting business partners/suppliers.
Protection of rights and personal information. Promote business operations that respect human rights.

10. Human Rights Communication and Training

Disclosure : 410-1
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Raise awareness and promote learning, including training in human rights. Review policies on human rights and labor. If employees are not appropriately promoted and educated on respecting human rights, and this leads to harm towards stakeholders, it may impact the company's confidence and reputation in conducting business. Employees have awareness and knowledge, understanding the importance of respecting human rights correctly.
Communicate and publicize human rights news to employees and related parties.
Training courses on human rights for employees and related parties.
Environmental Dimension (7 Sustainability Issues)

1. Environmentally Friendly Process of Products and Services

Disclosure : 2-13, 305-6 to 305-7
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Manage production process for the Company’s products and services that do not affect the environment, both inside and outside the organization. Production of tap water without water wastage, using a Zero Discharge system. Adherence to the Paris Agreement to control the global average temperature rise to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, prompting organizations worldwide to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Improving the production process to be environmentally friendly, including the implementation of Solar Rooftop and Floating Solar Cell projects, along with reducing electricity consumption. Additionally, there is a focus on developing waste into products.
Implementation of projects for environmentally friendly procurement of goods and services. Challenges of global warming and climate change with increasing temperatures, impacting the quantity and quality of raw water.
Utilization of membrane technology in the water production process.
Management of air pollution.
Operation following the environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015 system.

2. Water Management

Disclosure : 2-13, 301-1 to 301-3
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Water management using in the tap water business, including water management with the communities and related agencies to solve water quality problems and sustainable water shortages. The residual water from the sludge extraction process will be reused in the tap water production process. Climate change results in no seasonal precipitation, the amount of water in dams and natural water bodies has decreased or the quality of raw water degradation may affect the production of tap water. The company enhances its water management capabilities comprehensively by developing water sources, promoting water conservation, and advocating for mindful water usage in collaboration with relevant integrated agencies. This is aimed at reducing the risk of water scarcity and degradation of water quality.
Establish a project responding to the people’s tap water demand in collaboration with PWA, in order to support standardized tap water accession.
Campaign to promote activities to maintain water sources and water quality of the Tha Chin River and canals in the service area.
Monitor water sources with relevant external agencies.
Organize Restore the Water Quality of Bang Sue Canal to Conserve the Tha Chin River Project.

3. Waste and Unused Materials Management

Disclosure : 2-13, 301-1 to 301-3, 306-1 to 306
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Waste management does not affect business operation and stakeholders, Waste is sorted into 3 types: general waste, recycle waste and hazardous waste. Urban and industrial growth resulting to ncrease waste materials, causing pollution and impact in the environment as well as the wasteful using natural resources, causing a shortage. The company collaborates with educational institutions and relevant agencies to conduct research and enhance sediment development into products. To adds value of waste while aligning with waste management based on the 3Rs principle and the Circular Economy. The resulting products aim to contribute to the well-being of communities and society within the service area.
Adding waste value using for business and social benefits. The head office separates food waste from general waste to make compost from the automatic food waste sorting machine.
Monitoring the results of the organic fertilizer project, soil conservation, and environmental conservation at Thai Ratvittaya 4 School and Wat Sukhawataram School in Nakhon Pathom Province.
Engaged in the SET's waste separation project and has intentions to operate within the year 2024.

4. Climate Change and Energy Conservation

Disclosure : 2-13, 302-1, 302-3 to 303-5, 305-1 to 305-7
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Efficiently managing electricity consumption and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from its business operations. Establish project for procurement of products and services that are environmentally friendly. The global warming and increasing climate change and the reduction of GHG emission according to the Paris Agreement to keep the average global temperature above 1.5 degrees Celsius. The company sets goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its business operations by implementing measures to reduce reliance on external electricity sources, such as initiating projects like Solar Rooftop and Floating Solar Cell.
Establish the Solar Rooftop project on the roof of the clear water tank of the company.
Join the energy conservation project of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy.
Establish Care the Bare Project cooperated with the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Organize the Greenhouse Gas Emission Assessment from the Business Process Project
Implementing measures to control electricity consumption.


Disclosure : 2-13, 304-1 to 304-4
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Maintain and protect natural resources and ecosystem integrity that may be affected by the Company’s business operations. Establish a mesh cover in front of the raw water pump pipe to prevent fish and aquatic animals from entering the production process. If the company improperly manages the risks related to biodiversity and does not adequately address the impacts of business operations, it may lead to shortages of essential resources for business operations and potential conflicts over resource usage in the future. Efficient management of biodiversity-related risks by the company can result in a reduction of risks in its business operations or maintain them within acceptable thresholds.
The residual water from the sludge extraction process will be reused in the tap water production process, in order to prevent the release of wastewater into the Tha Chin River and Chao Phraya River.
Establish campaign to promote the conservation of the Tha Chin River and its branch canal.
Organize Restore the Water Quality of Bang Sue Canal to Conserve the Tha Chin River Project
Monitoring the results of the 1 Million Seedlings for Watershed project.
Implementing a composting project to conserve soil and protect the environment, reducing waste disposal.
Undertaking a project to assess greenhouse gas emissions from business operations.
Controlling air pollution in the production process.

6. Environment Cooperation between Organization

Disclosure : 2-29 to 2-30, 303-1 to 303-5, 306-1 to 306-5
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Raising awareness and participation in environmental stewardship with external agencies. Establish campaign to promote the conservation of the Tha Chin River and its branch canal in collaboration with the We Love the Tha Chin River Club, Nakhon Pathom. Lack of cooperation with the environment between organizations may affect the environmental conservation and long-term business operation. Building cooperation in environmental stewardship with government, private and community organizations, what will be gained from the cooperation will be a large perspective that contributes to sustainability.
Implementing the Million Seedlings for Watershed project, in collaboration with the Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation.
Executing a composting project for soil and environmental conservation, in collaboration with the Environmental Faculty of Kasetsart University.
Initiated a project to improve the water quality of Bang Sue Canal, aimed at conserving the Tha Chin River. In collaboration with Rai Khing Municipality, Environment and Pollution Control Office No. 5, and the Phasi Charoen Water Delivery and Maintenance Project.
Engage in the care and monitoring of water resources collaboratively with external agencies, including the Department of Water Resources, Royal Irrigation Department, Environment and Pollution Control Office No. 5, Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, Provincial Waterworks Authority, private agencies, and the We Love Tha Chin River Nakhon Pathom Club.

7. Environmental Compliance

Disclosure : 2-27
Details Methods Risk Opportunities
Establish the policies and operate according to the environmental management system related to ISO 14001 : 2015. Reviewing quality and environmental policies. The issue of global warming and climate change, characterized by rising temperatures, has led to increased stringency in environmental legislation. This may have implications for the costs associated with the company's environmental operations. Raise awareness along with system administration and compliance with environmental laws toward corporate culture by adhering to common sense practices.
Reviewing the environmental objectives of the company and adhering to the specified indicators.
Conduct an Internal Audit SO 14001:2015, the Company’s environmental operations comply with the specified standards at least once per year.

Goals and Performance

The Company has adopted a sustainable development policy to determine sustainability issues and corporate sustainability development goals as a framework for production and showing social and environmental responsibility for sustainable growth. The 23 sustainability-related issues can be identified, which can be linked to 15 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The Company has set sustainable development goals covering good corporate governance, economic, social and environmental aspects of the organization according to the 2023 Annual Report (Form 56-1 One Report) as disclosed on the website